Simarouba Glauca (Lakshmi taru in Sanskrit, Shorghum Maram (Paradise Tree) in Tamil):
Reportedly native to American Amazon forests and south eastern India (Orissa) may prove to help many ailments including Cancer as compiled from research reports on the Internet.

Apart from its Commercial uses for its great properties in the form of oil cakes for Bio fuel, compost etc., it was traditionally used in handling dysentery (amebic and bacterial), diarrhea, malaria, intestinal worms and internal parasites - as an astringent to stop bleeding internally (stomach ulcers, hemorrhages, etc) and externally for wounds and for viral infections, a lot of research information obtained from the net showed it to be very useful even to help CANCER patients.

The main active group of chemicals reported in simarouba are called quassinoids. The antiprotozoal and antimalarial properties of these chemicals have been documented for many years. Several of the quassinoids found in simarouba, such as ailanthinone, glaucarubinone, and holacanthone, are considered the plant's main therapeutic constituents and are the ones documented to be antiprotozal, anti-amebic, antimalarial, and even toxic to cancer and leukemia cells.

All parts of this Paradise tree is reported to be very useful viz. the leaves, fruit, bark and root and may be used to make decotions like tea from these parts to help fight the disease. Combining this Paradise with Ganoderma with several known anti-cancer properties - can be a very good bet and I feel that Cancer and many other ailments can be handled or prevented effectively protecting us. I am growing this tree at my residence in the hope of providing help to suffering people in the future and I have already started occasional use of the leaf of the plant to make tea for a tumor growth on my lymph gland which seems effective in controlling the same. Thanks to the Internet Dhanvantri.


( Er. N. K. VIJAYAKUMAR was one of the core team members, who brought DXN products to Indian Market in 1999)