Recruitment for the team is an essential and perennial activity in MLM business for the reasons listed in the chart. The first sign of sickness in business is assessable from  the level and quality of ‘Recruitment’ activity in the team.


Team Building is a process by itself. It involves four distinctive functional activities: Recruitment of the right candidate. Preparing the Recruit and give orientation. Development (with Training) of the Recruit for biz. Reap the benefits of business systematically. This process is very similar to that of doing agriculture as a business.


Having seen the ‘importance’ of the team, let us study the ‘process’ of building an effective team. In the first place, one has to plan the size and the structure of the team, in order to plan the activities efficiently. For this purpose, we will consider our old example – 10D/20D/30D format.


Team-dynamics educates every member to face challenges and to handle biz-risk with confidence. One automatically acquires two essential qualities of ‘Risk Management’ : Risk acceptance & Risk tolerance.


‘Efficiency & Effectiveness’ of the team increase manifold, when all the Members of the team maintain ‘Optimum Level’ of performance as per the designed activity of the team. This is decided during planning stage by the team co-ordinator. Under such situation, the team enjoys higher levels of strength and business security.


Team, if properly structured and trained, will lead to amazing speed of achievement. Every member is complementary; Trained sufficiently to perform well; Should sync well with the team and the goal. Such teams reach great heights, in shorter time.


Team contributes to the ‘Strength’ of the Biz. Higher the number of ‘active members’, greater the strength of the Biz. Every addition adds to it and  every drop-out reduces it – in arithmetic proportion. Team management, therefore,  involves recruitment for increasing the man power on one side and also to provide for ‘drop-out’ replacement.