COVID Pandemic – CRISIS Handling
Today, the whole world is going through a challenge of ‘unknown’ dimension and potential. It has affected every human being. The degree of suffering may vary, across the population, but everyone is a potential victim. The origin is unknown- the end also is unknown – but the present damage is extensive. This dreaded infection has threatened, not only our ‘lives’, but also our ‘lively hood’. In this situation, let us muster courage and explore the ways to handle the crisis. Though, it is a crisis in real life, many of the issues are similar to that of a crisis faced by an Entrepreneur, in Business. Let us share some thoughts on relatable principles of ‘Crisis Management’.
1. When the road is not clearly visible, follow established path. Do not challenge or suspect.
2. This will also pass-away! Opportunities & Challenges appear in cyclic patterns. Both help the man ‘Learn & Excel’. One should not lose his mental balance. In fact, the Best in a man comes out, during such crisis.
3. Wisdom towards CHANGE: There are things, I can change; There are also things, I cannot change.
My prayers: Give me the courage to change the things, I CAN; Give me the humility to accept the things, that I CANNOT; and, most importantly, give me the WISDOM to differentiate between the two. – Upanishad
4. Ignorance leads to Fear. When ‘Knowledge’ of higher order comes in, Fear of the lower order issues fades away.
5. Procrastination, Shoddiness, Negligence and Laziness are to be avoided, during these times. Otherwise, crisis will worsen.
6. Beware of ‘Unnecessary / Unwise / mischievous’ guidance and suggestions. They pull you downward.
7. Worries of the Past and the Anxieties of the Future, destabilize a person in the ‘PRESENT’. Keep them away, during crisis. FOCUS on the actions to be taken ‘right now’, purely based on WISDOM.
8. Starve your problems; Feed your Opportunities. At the appropriate time, the benefits from such opportunities may solve your earlier problems, easily.
9. The factors behind the ‘Solutions’ to any Crisis, should be STRONGER than that, which enable the Crisis.