To set the direction and move. Having got the clarity and conviction, we have to do three things (with professional commitment). ( for DXN business )

  1. Set ‘Business’ Goal : Specific, Achievable and with definite Time span- Goal has to be in terms of GPV and NOT in terms of Bonus income.
  2. Organize : (Team) Men and Material : Recruit, Structure, action plan.
  3. Administration : Orientation, ‘On the field training’, Monitor and course correction. Also for expansion and duplication at various levels.

Training means ‘systematic learning of Knowledge and skills’ to do the business. Training is of paramount importance, for DXN business!

Pics: Amazing Management by Amarseva sangam: From Goal setting to Organization to Administration! 10th yr Celebrations, by the OLD BOYS from ‘Spinal Chord Injury (SCI) Unit’. The whole air was filled with joy and jubilation, all through the 4 days!